Dear Prayer Partners and Supporters,
It seems like this year has flown by, and now as we close out 2024, it has been a blessing to see what God has done in our lives over the past year. The past year has seen our church grow in number and strength. The building of the church is almost completely finished now, and we are just working on beautification and functionality parts of it at this point.
November was a busy month for the church and everything going on in Zambia. We have seen several new visitors and have had a few people sit for membership classes over the past two months. We love these classes, as we get to hear their testimonies and discuss how Christ changed their life. Some of these membership classes give us a very good opportunity to give the gospel to those that have not yet received Christ as their Saviour. We had several people that were needing to be baptized, so the next project we had at the church was to build a baptism pool. We decided that since the weather is usually so nice and since we didn’t have a good way of doing it indoors - build a new one outside! We finished it and have had a couple baptisms in it which was great. We are so excited to see these people publicly declare their faith in Christ. One family that began coming to the church shortly after we started officially meeting on Sunday mornings decided to sit for the membership class, and then also were baptized. They also asked for the church to do a baby dedication for their child that was born last year. It so exciting to watch families commit to serving God and be faithful to church as a family. This is what our hope and prayers are for.
December allowed us to host a ladies Christmas party which was a great opportunity to reach out into the community so that we could try to bring others to Christ. The ladies always enjoy their time of fellowship. The Christmas time does bring a bit of a challenge in Lusaka, as many people usually travel out of town for the holiday. This can mean a reduced number of people in the church, but this year it seemed to be a good consistent turnout in spite of this challenge.
Zambia has seen some difficulty in the rainy season this year unfortunately. Please continue to pray for a good consistent rainfall for the rest of the year. We have seen some hope over the past couple days, but this needs to last until at least March to bring a good harvest and replenish the water supplies that have been so depleted. This drought has a had a significant impact on the economy, and on many individuals in our church since it caused such a lack of power production and shortage of crop production. As of last, I heard from our friends and colleagues in Lusaka that we are only getting 4 hours of power a day, and only those at night. This takes a toll on everything.
Please be in prayer for Justin Sauder, the missionary that we are working with in Zambia, as he continues the work in Zambia in our absence. It has been a lot for him to maintain everything, but he is doing great and is such a blessing to my family.
Our daughter Isabelle Wren Robinson was born on November 25th, 2024. She was one month early, as she was due to be born on Christmas Day, but instead she arrived before Thanksgiving. We are thankful the delivery went smoothly, and that there were no complications. Mom and baby are continuing to do well, and we have already sent in the paperwork for the passport. We are going back to Zambia in February, and are excited to be getting everything ready and organized for our trip back. Please be in prayer for a safe trip, and that we can stay healthy on arrival back into Zambia. Thank you for your support and prayers. We are so thankful for every one of you, and pray that 2025 will give a good report to what God is doing in Zambia.
