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Writer's pictureCaleb & Abby Robinson

May/June 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends and Faithful Supporters,                                                  

The past two months have seemed to fly by with such speed, and so many things have happened. We have been busy in a variety of our normal ministries and the continuation of the work on the church building program. We hope to be sharing a video update with everyone very soon on the building progress, which has come a long way. We are close to being able to move into the property and hold our first services there. The final part of the building project is mostly cosmetic, such as landscaping and such. We have had a volunteer from the church to help with designs and implementation. We look forward to having an established place to meet that is our own, and we know it will be very helpful to have more visitors.

In May, we had a church dinner after church which was very nice, and we had a great turnout for that. June is our winter here in Zambia, so it has been cool for us, although many of you would laugh at what we now call “cold” weather. From here on, it will begin to get warmer until October and November, when we have some of our hottest temperatures. In the beginning of June, Justin Sauder, the missionary who we have been working with in starting this church in Makeni, had two college interns come visit for one month here in Zambia. I was able to take them with me when I went to do the pastors training in the bush of Rufunsa. They got to experience camping out and living a more traditional lifestyle, as well as preach and teach. They were a real blessing to work with, and I know they were a real blessing to the pastors in Rufunsa.

Ministry in Lusaka has been busy on the pastoral side, as we meet with individuals and minister to them spiritually. We also have been able to stay busy with the youth ministries, and I actually just preached in chapel for the last time before I need to go back to the states for furlough. I will miss that as the kids pay very good attention, and we enjoy the time with them. I will be back in the states in September for furlough, and have basically filled my calendar already. I am looking forward to seeing my family as we haven’t seen any of them for over two and a half years. My wife will be going back to the states here in a couple weeks, so pray for safety for her and the kids as they travel back. She will be going to visit her family, and the grandparents will spend time with the grandkids before I come back.

My wife is also expecting our fourth child, so we ask for prayer for the pregnancy that everything goes well. We found out yesterday that it is a girl! She will be having the baby in the states, and thankfully it fits into our furlough schedule, so we will still be able to get back to Zambia close to when we had already planned. The kids are growing and doing well and it is amazing to to see them adapt to their life in Africa in such a good way. They have their friends at church, which I am sure they will miss.

Please be in prayer for the church while we are gone. Justin will be running things while I am gone, and I am thankful that we can rely on each other while each of us leaves on furlough. Pray for new visitors and the evangelism efforts to go well and that people will be reached. Please be in prayer for a young couple from the church who will be getting married on Sunday. It will be my first time performing a wedding, and let alone one in Zambia. The young man is one who God allowed me to lead to the Lord several months ago, and the girl he is marrying is a good girl. Pray for their marriage that it will be strong in the Lord, and that they will raise their family for what is right. This is the hope of the church and Zambia, and we are excited to have another young married couple.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We know it is difficult, but they have not gone unnoticed.

Serving the Lord together, Caleb, Abby, Rosalie, Oliver, and Henry Robinson

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