Dear Praying Friends,
As we look over the past two months, it seems that so much has happened, and God has opened some amazing doors. Firstly, we had a great pastors training in Rufunsa in the first part of June. We are studying through the book of Second Corinthians, which I found to be a very interesting and beneficial study for these men. We bought a goat and butchered it for our meals out in the bush, and of course ate it with the traditional nshima and vegetables. The time of fellowship and training was great, and we are looking forward to being there next week for more training. Please continue to pray for this opportunity to train men, and that God will bless these men in their ministry.
Our Bible study in Southern Lusaka is going very well, and we have had many visitors coming and have seen many return visitors. We hope to have a charter Sunday in the coming weeks. We are in the process of purchasing a plot of land for the church, and we are excited to have a place to meet. Please pray that this proceeds smoothly and we don’t have any complications. We are working on quotations for supplies and materials for the building and necessary structures on the property so that once the paperwork is finalized we can start to build! Please be in prayer as we continue to invite new people and that God will continue to build his church. We have been blessed by the landowners where we are currently meeting to continue to meet at our current location for the next three to four months, which we hope will be enough time to finalize the church property and get some structure set up before rainy season starts. Please be in prayer for this, as that will be a hurdle if we can’t move onto the land before the rains come in November.
In our evangelism and kids programs, we praise the Lord that we have been able to see several professions of faith. Please be in prayer for them as we do follow up and discipleship. Yesterday I met with a man named Anderson who has attended church the past few weeks. He was a Catholic, and also has Muslim family members, and had questions about what we believe. Praise the Lord that he accepted Christ as his personal Saviour and realized that works and experiences do not save him.
The first week of July, I traveled to the Copperbelt of Zambia to do a pastors training with a group of pastors that I have known from my many trips to Zambia prior to moving here. It was such a good time of fellowship as we got to see some old friends and meet new ones. Pray for these men as they continue in the ministry, that they would continue to serve God and stay faithful. That trip was a test for my family, unfortunately, as I was away and my son Oliver got very sick with a high fever. My wife was definitely busy, and then we ended up having a combination of problems while I was gone that was very stressful. Through those few weeks, we knew that Satan was attacking us and the ministries very hard, and we had to lean on Christ through the trials. Satan is never happy when he sees the work of the Lord proceeding, and we know this so we just had to keep the situation in perspective. Please be in prayer for us, as we know there will be more attacks and we need to stay faithful. Thank you for your prayers for safety in our travels, as we have sen God’s hand of protection many times over the past couple weeks.
Please be in prayer for a young couple in our Bible study that have been facing some pretty serious challenges lately, and are hard for a newlywed couple. They have faced challenges that some couples may not even experience in ten years of marriage, and we have tried to help them and pray for them through this.
Thank you for the prayers for the family. The Lord has blessed us to be fairly healthy even though we have had a few sicknesses. If you would be in prayer for our son Henry’s birth certificate, we finally were able to turn in all the proper paperwork after much back and forth, but now they say it will take 90 days. We pray that this goes quickly, and that we don’t have any complications as we need this paperwork before we even begin processing our paperwork for his US Passport.
Thank you for your prayers; we need them and we ask that you would pray for wisdom for us as we make decisions in our ministries.
Caleb, Abby, Rosalie, Oliver, and Henry Robinson
