Dear Praying Friends and Supporters,
Where do I begin? The past couple months have been packed with many adventures, trials, and victories; and through it all we have seen God provide and show His faithfulness. At the beginning of August, we had a test of patience and faith, as we had a pretty severe breakdown on our vehicle while on our way to a meeting. This breakdown caused us to miss our meeting and get thrown off schedule, as we had to wait for a mechanic shop to get the proper parts, and then actually fix the problem. During this whole process, we saw God perform miracle after miracle from finding a mechanic shop that was able to even look at the car on Saturday, to the last minute housing God provided and beyond. He provided the ride we needed for the whole family, and even the funds needed to fix the breakdown. So many individuals and churches had a hand in all of this, and we were amazed at how God provides. It was definitely a test of my patience, which is still an area of life that God is working on me daily with. I say all this to say, I am so thankful to serve a living Savior who knows our every need and provides for those needs before we even know them.
Our departure for Zambia is growing close, and we have been busy taking care of all the necessary details for a move halfway around the world. We were able to purchase our vehicle in Zambia a few weeks ago, and it is currently getting just a couple modifications to make it more useful for our ministries in the village. This was a huge step, and we are thankful to have that part of the process done. We have been looking at logistical things now of how to economically get some personal items to Zambia, and we believe we have found the best route. Pray for us now as we continue to look for housing in Zambia. We have found a few options, and are trying to make decision in regards to all that. That being said, my wife and I decided to forgo the trip to Zambia in November and save the money for moving costs that we are currently incurring. Some of the things we were planning on doing on that trip have already been accomplished while we are here, so the need isn’t as great to go over right now. We are trying to be good stewards of the money that you as supporters have entrusted to us, and therefore have made these decisions. We are thankful to say we are almost completely supported now, and so we are trying to adjust our calendar accordingly. Your faithfulness to support us has been humbling, and we do not take it for granted.
The Zambian elections went very smoothly, and there has been a change of power with a new president now in Zambia. We are excited what this could mean for future ministry opportunity in Zambia!
We thank God for all of you, and we hope that we can be the worthy investment for eternity that you have believed us to be.
Thanking the Lord for your love and support,
Caleb, Abby, Rosalie, and Oliver Robinson
