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  • Writer's pictureCaleb & Abby Robinson

April/May 2021 Prayer Letter

Dear Praying Friends,

The last couple of months have been a busy time for my family and I as we travel, but over and over again, we have seen God’s Hand of protection and provision. We are thankful that we have been able to stay healthy, and that the kids are doing well with all the travels. We are thankful that our daughter Rosalie has enjoyed the deputation process and is always looking to find new friends at every new church that we go to. It shows you how resilient children are and how much better they respond to the pressures of life.

Last week we were able to pick up some 55 gallon drums that we are going to use to pack our goods in. They are cheaper and easier to send overseas, so we are excited about this next step and what it means for our future. We are going to pack some of our belongings this month since we have some time to work on things in between our June meetings.

The Lord has continued to provide some additional meetings for us in between our very full fall schedule, but we are thankful for this measure of provision. We are excited to also announce that we are officially at 73 percent support!

Thank you so much for your commitment to supporting us financially as well as praying for us consistently. Your prayers are greatly appreciated, and we would not be at this point in our ministry without it.

Zambia Update:

Please pray for the upcoming election in Zambia in August. Pray that God would put the person in power that He would want, and that if there is a change in leadership, that it would be a smooth transition of power without major controversy. We all know God is in control of all of this, and His will is perfect.

Thank you again, and God bless.

Thanking the Lord for your love and support,

Caleb, Abby, Rosalie, and Oliver Robinson

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