Dear Pastors and Praying Friends,
September is a great transition from the warm days of summer to the cool nights of the fall. Here as the leaves begin to change, we see the preparation of farmers for the winter ahead. These seasons mark different points in the year with different benefits and challenges, and this month of September has started a new season in my family’s life. The month of September 2019 has been an exciting time for my family and I as we are now officially on the deputation trail. We are excited to see where this will lead us and all the people we will meet along the way.
SURVEY TRIP: At the beginning of the month, my family and I were able to take a survey trip to Zambia where we visited with Brian Collins and his family. We thank the Lord for our safety while traveling there and back, as well as the safety He gave us in country. We were a little nervous to travel that far with our seven-month old baby, but she seemed to handle the trip surprisingly well. When we first arrived in country, we were able to attend a family conference at the farm where I preached Saturday and Sunday. We had a great attendance, and the people seemed eager to have the fellowship with other believers. I had the privilege of baptizing three on Sunday, and we are excited to see them grow in the Lord. While on our survey trip, we spent our time with Missionary Brian Collins, and we were able to check what things were available in the local towns. Although this was my fourth trip to Zambia, it was my wife’s first trip, so it was good for her to see what options she will have when she gets there. During this trip, we also were able to spend a few a days in the institute with the local pastors. I taught six hours a day, and we had great time of fellowship as well as Biblical discussion. It was exciting to see their desire to learn more from the Word of God, as well as their eagerness to share it with their congregations. We thank the Lord for the opportunities He has given to my family and I in Zambia to serve Him.

THE LEAST OF THESE: Matt. 19:14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. I was humbled this last week at our missions conference by a little girl in our church. She saw me and with a great big smile gave me a one dollar bill. I said “oh thank you but you don’t need to,” her mom, however, said that she had been saving that dollar to give it to a missionary. I thought about how sincere she was and how happy she was to give. It challenged me in my own life to see how willing I am to give. She was happy to give what she had, and I believe God will bless her for it. What are we willing to do for Him, even if it may seem small to others, is significant to God.
PRAYER REQUESTS: Please pray for the family of one of the pastors in Zambia that I worked with on my many trips. On this last survey trip, I was able to have many conversations with this man, and he was attentive in all the classes while taking many notes. On Sunday September 29th 2019, he was killed in an accident. He was riding his bike to town and was hit head on by a car. Pray for the family as they go through this time. It goes to show you how short our lives are and how quickly they can be over. He was in his seventies, but was serving faithfully preaching every Sunday in the surrounding bush churches. I saw him two weeks ago, and now we will meet in heaven. Pray for us as we start deputation that we can get our support in the time that God wants us to, but also quickly. With the passing of the pastor there, we have another hole in ministry there that needs filled. We are excited about the opportunities to train Zambians as well as minister in the communities, but the time is getting ever shorter. Eternity is coming for the lost as well as the saved, and we are excited to see what God will do in Zambia.
Thank you all for the prayer and support.
Serving the Lord together, Caleb & Abby & Rosalie Robinson